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Car Wrap FAQ

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If you are interested in reselling your car in the future, you have to be careful what changes you make to it. Some customizations can add value, while others can take away from it. One way you can safely customize your car without impacting the resale value is to have a car wrap installed. Before opting for a car wrap, here is what you need to know about it. 

What Is a Car Wrap?

A car wrap is similar to adding a coat of paint to your car. It is a high quality sticker that is not permanent. The adhesive from the vinyl sticker is easily removed and there is no residue left in its place. In a matter of minutes, the car can be restored to its original paint finish. 

Why Should You Opt for Car Wrap?

There are several reasons that choosing a car wrap to customize your car makes sense. For instance, the resale value of your car will not be compromised in the same manner as a paint job would. It also is less expensive than a paint job. 

Another reason that you should consider a car wrap is that any warranties or lease agreements that you have for the exterior of your car will stay intact. Sometimes, those agreements are impacted when a car is repainted. 

Car wrap customizations can be stepped up to include a special finish, such as semi-gloss or carbon fiber. As a result, the finished product looks like a paint job without the problems that come with getting one. 

Can You Change the Car Wrap?

Slight changes to the car wrap are possible and easy to do. Technicians can create a patch to alter existing wrap. For instance, if you have a wrap with your business information and your business moves, the address can be easily updated without the need to remove the wrap.

What If It Is Damaged?

Whether or not the wrap can be fixed after an accident depends on the severity of the damage. If you have a slight dent, scrape, or ding, there is a good chance that the wrap can be repaired. However, if the damage is more significant, the wrap might have to be removed and completely reapplied. Some auto body shops keep the prints stored so that the one that you chose can be easily reprinted and reapplied. 

Talk to a car wrap technician at a company like Kwik Signs to learn more about the process and how it can be beneficial to your car's appearance. 
